Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Check my tumblr out - tobshudson


I am currently working on my website design on flash player, and i am putting in the last few final touches to it, i have put a teab for each page and am adding in all the major elements to them. 

I should have my web all done and finished today and it is looking just how i wanted it to, nice and simple, but yet sleek and graphical.

Monday, 10 June 2013

The show

I am looking forward to working on the show today, i wasn't able to go Friday, but i heard it all went really well and was really busy which is really good, today i will be helping at the show by asking people to come in and showing them around and telling them about the work, i am looking forward to it and i will enjoy spending time at the show.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

final show preperation.

we have been currently working on the venue for our final show, it still has abit to be done, but is pretty much done and looking great, we was in there all day yesterday painting and cleaning and making sure the place is looking up to scratch, also we have all been preparing our chosen work for the show, so it has been a busy few days.